25.08.1984 - The AIDA SREGATA
About in his life has been lucky enough to go to the Arena of Verona for the Opera will still lived an event to remember. I wanted so much to see Aida: the splendor of the La Scala version I had always talked about my father who had studied music in his youth, he had seen her several times and had even, for a time, managed with his uncle Teatro Comunale di Modena, and knew a lot about it. So in the summer of 1984 with my wife, together with his colleague and his wife Franca Rolim Enzo decided to go without knowing the adventure that awaited us. Already on the highway there beaks the classic "water boat" that forces us to take a rest under a cavalcavia.Arriviamo Piazza Bra in mid-afternoon and do a few hours of queuing outside the gates. The time is uncertain but, knowing the procedure, we are equipped with a minimum of food, beverages and also for a possible rain. Finally, toward the gates open at 19.00 and the human tide rushes to get the center seats, which are the best. Conquered our place to pass the time, four exchange chatting with neighbors on the steps that are more disparate backgrounds of Italy as well as French, German, Dutch, even Americans: This for me is always one of the best moments that the Arena, in the name of the music, can create and compensates for all the inconvenience suffered. Meanwhile, the sky becomes increasingly threatening. In about 20,000 the dark and expect the show to start. The stage is covered by servants with huge plastic sheets. It starts to rain, the people of the parterre beat a retreat, but we resist the stands under umbrellas, plastic sheeting for groups. It stops raining, the attendants removed the sheets: announce that the show begins. After a while everything is Position: to rain again and this time it's a downpour. None spring: to resist all along but the shelters are beginning to give way. Around 23.0 0 you decide to repair the tunnels underneath the bleachers. It stops raining, riguadagnamo all our seats and finally 20 minutes after midnight spettacolo.Eccitati he started the adventure, no sleep and the first act is great. Act Two triumphal march: a horse keels over from the sleep of the parade on the stage. The range extends beyond all bounds: rumors that the technical staff of the Arena fell on strike because they did not want to pay overtime. Finally announced that the show will resume a fixed scene, but it is not. It's rumored that the standard Martinucci had a problem and is not a substitute. We will know then that given the time, had retired to his hotel room in the Piazza, and not to be disturbed had barricaded himself in a room with earplugs to be able to sleep. Only with the intervention of the Fire is knocked down the door and brought the standard of weight and travel to the Arena. E 'night and 20,000 are still almost all there waiting for: at last the show resumes with the content grosbeak and the third and fourth place runs smoothly without a hitch. It is part of dawning, dead tired, but aware that we have experienced a unica.Qualcuno think that what above it is impossible to be surprised and to my memory. I mentioned what an amazing "magic" is able to produce the show every night of the Arena and that it was perhaps the finest demonstration. Do not believe us? "No problem"! It 's all documented below. (double click image to enlarge)
be noted in the same news of our great American adventure "Protagonist" Vittorio Gassman. I did not remember him had also exported
On the right of that page is a story of music seemingly "minor" but for fans of "The Voice" has meant so much: the release of the 33 rpm "LAITS MY LADY" with historical interpretations that has marked the artist's maturity.
Sutto rubbrica for the jazz lovers held by Renzo Arbore. But it should be!!
Sutto rubbrica for the jazz lovers held by Renzo Arbore. But it should be!!

For sports fans add the next page: I think it will trigger a lot of nostalgia: how many big names. It was still a long way as long as a great journalist (maybe Brera?) If I remember correctly said the historic phrase: "Berlosconi enter in football, football no longer exists." Apparently more than a journalist he was a prophet, because in later years, football has started to degenerate to the current situation: empty stadiums and various Calciopoli.
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