Since I learned to insert posts .... I am to put something "contrary" to my last ..... as I announced, next week I shall return "home ..." (That fucking little ?...). I propose an article that appeared in the newspaper today, with its picture of the "welcoming committee waiting for me .......

on the southwest of Quebec, the snow, the wind and the "black ice" (ice that you do not notice that there is because it takes the color of 'asphalt, so there is warned ....), have occasioned poor road surfaces.
buffer A "chain" has taken place on the highway 20Est (I'll take that on February 9 to go home) near St. Julie. 70 vehicles were involved, including thirty of "semi" and a bus to transport pupils (Yellow and black in the photo). According to the Sûreté du Québec, three people were transported to the hospital for minor injuries.
Hello everyone from your foreign correspondent
PS: Here in Australia, more specifically in Queensland (the same province that was flooded a few days ago), are "waiting" a cyclone which is expected to be the most damaging for many generations .... deg Mo and head given time na!
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