Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cervical Mucus Appearance After Fertilization

MORCONE - CUSANO 5 to 13: report cards

Gorizia 7.5: the best of his, with a performance of great peace of mind. It opposes precisely to opposing conclusions, and is always accurate in raises. Very convincing. Crocco
6: still a bit 'in trouble from the point Physically, it disengages well only by external attack. A fine goal. Biondi
6: good race under construction, some difficulty breathing and closing some doubts about the physical condition in this season finale. He eats a couple of occasions in front.
Tammaro 6.5: well forward, being very neat possession, some defensive amnesia but overall a good race for the outside Rosanero. He can still improve a lot. Crete
6.5: Part of pivot and surprisingly made two networks, then return and play a good central defender race, with a little 'of inaccuracy, but without much troubles.
Froncillo 6: one vote less for the absurd melodrama that earned him a yellow card. The rest is one of the best with 4 goals and lots of balloons managed with common sense.
6.5 Lie: two easy goals easy but a good race number 10 of Mr. Crisci. Starts with good ideas even if his physical condition is reviewed. Puglia
6: walk wearily to the field but still managed to score three goals. A heavy panzer will not lose confidence in the network.


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