Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Can I Play Pokemon Soul Silver On Windows

G8, all that we do not know ...

"There you go. And there is no charge to talk to. You work so many different companies, each has its own leaders and not even know who to call." The security guard who defends the huge arsenal of the former site of La Maddalena is a wax statue. He knows nothing and does not want to know anything.
"It 's my job," says to take pictures while preventing the gate closed. A few yards away, locals are now dilapidated former military housing area for hundreds of workers who work in the construction of the immense works for the next G8 summit in July. They are forced to live in four small rooms of two to five meters. Altolia. Another bodyguard. With an accent vaguely Latin-American man in uniform justified. "I can not tell you anything else fire me." A few hundred yards away you are working the former military hospital.

By next July should become a luxury hotel that will welcome the heads of state of the most powerful countries in the world. Adriano is Romanian and is a bricklayer. But he also has the order of silence. "They are all in a meeting, no one can talk." On one radio to another asking for information on intruders who want to "spy" work.

The yards were not only closed to journalists. Trade unions also can not enter. Last Friday, the police raided the apartment of an employee of Fillea CGIL which is being investigated for infringement State Secrets. The union did not have access to the yards, was limited to workers wait outside the gates at the exit of turn and take some pictures outside. Enough to trigger the investigation of the prosecutor's office and the seizure of documents. "CGIL-CISL-UIL with an official asked the Commissioner to be able to access special Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- explains Lorenzo Manca, secretary of the CGIL Fillea diOlbia - everything we know him to tell the workers, or the movie with cell phones. We also say he has been advised to stay away from trade unionists. " It 'was just a movie "stolen" a show on "YouTube" that during the reclamation of the old Arsenal, the workers had to handle asbestos, unprotected.

On 29 August, Prime Minister's office signed the final decree designating La Maddalena as final location of the next meeting of the Big 8. Berlusconi has had to give up the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing the summit in Naples to celebrate his "victory" on waste. Naples is unavailable for "security issues". Even if the rider does not want to abandon the dream of everyone to move to Naples, at least on the last day, when Prodi's government decided to play the next G8 summit in La Maddalena, the governor Soru exulted: "It 'a show of care and sensitivity towards La Maddalena and Sardinia. The "rock" is just orphaned because of the submarine base U.S. nuclear Santo Stefano. The Americans after the comforts they finally are gone. The world military structures have changed and were no longer interested in staying Sardinian archipelago. They prefer to claim to the enlargement of Italy Dal Molin base in Vicenza. They left everything, housing, homes, military offices. Activity La Maddalena wanted to say that for the money and work. A La Maddalena in a population of 12 000 inhabitants, there are 1,800 unemployed.

And then, so be it the G8. Funding because it brings extraordinary and unexpected new job. The Berlusconi government has allocated € 740 million for all work to Maddalena and Sardinia, in addition to the 150 million already allocated by the previous government. Of these, 500 million should be spent on the work in the archipelago.

E 'planned construction of Sassari-Olbia and enlargement of the airport of Olbia. While in La Maddalena Navy brownfield sites will become luxury hotels, the former armory will be transformed into a nautical center with storage area for light vessels and host areas for tourism and hotel trade fairs, in addition to the large meeting room for Heads of state: a large rectangular glass and steel overlooking the sea signed by the architects Stefano Boeri emari Cucinella.

The work ahead and many carpenters have already been sent home. Berlusconi seems that even after visiting the work, has called Armani to furnish one of the suites. Commissioner Bertolaso \u200b\u200bsaid that "not one euro of what we are spending is for the G8 but only to the revival of one of the most beautiful areas of the Mediterranean, from the tourism point of view and respecting the environment." A La Maddalena, last August, came the president Napolitano, who, between a bathroom and a ride on military ships, visited the sites and blessed the summit to ensure that the work will be completed in time.

On 22 March 2008, the Prodi government has given the work of the "qualification of confidentiality and secrecy," in practice has imposed a state secret. It means that safety and reasons of state take precedence over the interests of citizens and the environment. In fact, the measure allows exceptions to state and regional laws on environmental constraints (the archipelago is a natural park), and accelerated procedures for the rules on tendering. So much so that appeals were lodged to the EU which does not allow to dribble the environmental constraints and competition rules on procurement, and in fact Brussels on Dec. 10 upheld the appeal brought by environmentalists. You must hurry, meet in Rome, so the ordinary laws are suspended.

All powers are in the hands of the special Bertolaso, in consultation with the President of the region Soru, but resigned. The La Maddalena can only watch. Once again, their land is contracted to the reason of state and the geopolitical interests of the great of the earth. A choice very pleasing to the Americans who know the island well. Many are willing to take the risk just to leap to seize the opportunity to work overtime and funds. The Sardinian companies, however, complain of not being sufficiently involved. Soru had promised 75 million for companies, but the Confederation of Sassari, Sardinia has come even to threaten a hunger strike for the failure of some employers' compliance with the financial arrangements for the award of contracts. " For individual workers, then, things are even worse. The bulk of the contracts was awarded Roman building in groups, all Cogeco, Anemone and the cavalier laGiaFi Carducci, already involved in the investigation of Luigi De Magistris. The reclamation of the old armory (130 thousand square meters of which 18 000 are covered) fully completed. You work 24 hours on 24 in three shifts for a total of 500 workers is expected to increase up to 700. The area is brightly lit by huge lights. On the platform continues to moor a vessel from which the reduction of Ustica goods and men. Many workers are foreigners. The Sardinians apparently are few, even less the La Maddalena. On site Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhas promised to establish a medical and permanent unions have called for the establishment of a "control room" to confront the issues of safety workers.

In the bars of Maddalena for a long time we have seen workers in search of food because, they say, that the canteen was indecent. The CGIL, of course, can only be glad of the opportunity offered by the G8 to work in the hope that the works bear even work for the future, but denounces the use of extreme sub-contract with its loss of control over the rules for and safety at work. There is also talk of overtime paid in black. The hope is that once the summit facilities ensure work in tourism and shipbuilding. But the reasons for the security of major eight (that Berlusconi wants to expand to twenty countries) seem to come first. At the summit two large ships will host the police: 16 000 men. The police chief warned Manganelli: "The ground facilities in the march on schedule, as well as the construction of the security measures. The Italian police has committed itself to the summit can play in the peace of mind and why the G8 in Genoa to become an increasingly distant memory. " With large armored land on a reef in the sea.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pot Belly Pigs For Sale Alberta

Tiber, and unnecessary alarmism ... Hello

The floods of the Tiber is passed around one and a half tonight. The river reached 12.5 feet well below the alert level. With the wave has passed, therefore, the fear and the Tiber is not no overflows in the area of \u200b\u200bRome. An Irish tourist, however, this night has slipped into the water and drowned.

This is the budget of the full 24 hours of the Tiber, in fact, a few minutes ago still appeared swollen with water. Summarizing one can say, therefore, that the good news is that the feared flooding, despite the mayor Gianni Alemanno and the head of Civil Protection Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhad calmed a bit yesterday, 'all, there was not. The bad news concerns the death of a young tourist in Ireland 27 years, slipped into the water and drowned at the Tiber Island probably because of too much proximity to the river during the passage of the flood.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gay Headscissors Wrestling Guys

Repesa ...

Some people say two years and who asked for the same time, but at the end everyone was happy Jasmin Repesa submitting his resignation to Virtus. The determining factor is obviously the five defeats in a row in the league, not compensated by the first in the group of the Euroleague, but there was certainly weigh the idyllic relationship is not with the GM Dejan Bodiroga for the summer transfer market and the ensuing war with Allan Ray.

Going in order, this summer the Serbian sample'ex prepare a strong and rich market of names, but some of them are not acceptable to Repesa, confirmed he would not, and questions the choice of Ray Jennings, but you get "start of the season in Truce, then continued through the early victories. Repesa but is lazy and it shows, not "feel" the team and not just Becirovic set performance come the invevitabili defeats, fruit of a review and defense of an attack too confusing. The rotations do not work and the players have defined roles, especially in terms of leadership and that is why last night 'came the final decision, agreed with the members.

Now it is difficult to say what will happen. The many names came out for the role of successor seem to put a lot of crap on the front page to make cash: see Carlo Recalcati, CT blue while not wholly improbable candidacy Hernandez, coach of world champion Spain in 2006. I point to Sasha Djordjevic, a friend of Bodiroga, burnt from the previous adventure at Milan and maybe willing to thrown back into the fray. We await news ...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

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As you win a Golden Ball ...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Does One Have To Register A Boat In Ontario

Why India? The

Why Mumbai, India ... because ... Islamic extremism has struck once again a country that apparently does not represent a threat as the West. In the last two years India was the scene of terrorist acts that shine, apparently, for nonsense: it is the financial capital Mumbai was hit in June 2006 and then twice in the sacred city of Varanasi: in March 2006 and November 2007. At the same time, however, terrorists have struck twice in May and August 2007, Hyderabad mosque and markets, in a city with a Muslim majority. In September 2006, was blown up another mosque in Malegaon in Maharashtra. In February 2007, two bombs on a train had killed in India-Pakistan Muslim majority and there was the attack on the Dargah of Ajmer. In March 2008, Jaipur, a popular tourist destination and world capital of Rajasthan, becomes the theater of horror with eight bombs exploded in crowded places of the city. And finally, Mumbai a few days ago. What's behind the veil Apparent?

Behind almost all the episodes in question, according to investigations carried out, there would be the same hand: the organization of Islamic fundamentalist ' Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuIJ). The HuIJ is an organization founded in 1992 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, with the moral and material support of the International Islamic Front of Osama bin Laden. The purpose of the organization, to take power in Bangladesh and convert the state into a fundamentalist nation following in the footsteps of Afghanistan Taliban.

of HuJI men were, and continue to be recruited in the madrassas (schools) and local trained in Afghanistan or Pakistan. Even after the fall of the regime in Kabul, according to several intelligence sources of the local HuIJ continues to maintain contacts with the remnants of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. With a small difference though. The boys of the organization are trained in Pakistan under the protective wing of the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI), the Pakistani intelligence services that operate with some success a series of training camps in Bangladesh. Funded by Pakistan, of course, but also by Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan through non-governmental organizations to do so-called "humanitarian". The capture of one of the leaders of the organization, Aftab Ansari, had led in recent years to highlight a number of interesting relationships between the HuIJ , the Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed , organization latter, however, suspected of catching and killing of American journalist Daniel Pearl. The investigations of the Indian police in Varanasi, and Hyderabad to Ajmer, to name but a few cases, have highlighted the involvement of Bangladeshi nationals in each episode. Recently, however, it seems that something has changed. It seems that more and more frequent involvement of Indian citizens, instead of undercover agents, in terrorist operations. This means, if we make two plus two, that were created in India cells 'dormant' composed by Indian nationals recruited from the Muslim fundamentalist goventù.

The Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed Pakistan are organizations that operate prevalence in Indian Kashmir. For years, India has opened a dispute with Pakistan, accused of financing terrorists and infiltrate across the border while, officially, extends a hand to New Delhi to resolve the Kashmir issue. Recently, President Musharraf said that the Lashkar-e-Toiba no longer operates in Pakistani territory, just because the political group led by Hafeez Mohammed Sayeed has changed its name, while remaining active in the area. Sayeed is one of the lists of wanted terrorists for the recent attacks in the United Kingdom.

Both Musharraf that Sayeed deny any relationship between the L-i-Toiba Ashkar and Jamaat-ud-Dawa , but nobody believes. Not even the Americans, who have included the Jamaat-ud-Dawa in the list of terrorist organizations, but they have opposing views from the Musharraf rebuffed a request to freeze the funds. With the change of the control strategy implemented in these organizations becomes more complex: Indian nationals are engaged directly in the territory. Citizens who move easily from one city to another, minimizing the risk of detection. The same policy has recently been applied by HuIJ , which uses, like the other two groups, the support of a movement inside India, the outlawed Student Islamic Movement of India's also funded and supported by ' Pakistani intelligence. The goal, therefore, seems to be moving the focus of attention from Pakistan, considered a nest of fundamentalists, and give a picture of the global Jihad. In short, terrorism is everywhere, as long as there are those who finance ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leaning A Heavy Mirror On Mantel

Greetings Sandro Curzi

E 'died in Rome after a long illness Sandro Curzi. He was 78 years, being born in Rome on March 4, 1930. Militant of the Communist Party, then with the Communist Refoundation Fausto Bertinotti, Curzi and 'historical state director of the TG3 in the late '80s, then director of the PRC Communist newspaper "Liberation". Currently he was board member of the RAI.
Sandro Curzi was from 2005 a director of RAI, which for three months - pending the appointment of the President by the Supervisory Committee - and 'was also the president, as senior adviser.

As a young man he attended the school "Tasso" in Rome, thirteen years after it comes into contact with groups of anti-Fascist Resistance. The anti-fascist student demonstrations are active in all of Rome and Curzi works closely with the Roman partisan group operating in the area Ponte Milvio Flaminio.Nel-March 1944 he was granted, despite the minor, the piece of Pci.Divenuto chief editor of the monthly FGCI " New Youth ", directed by Enrico Berlinguer, in 1951, is sent into Polesine to tell the tragic consequences of that flood and remains there for a long period as secretary of Fgci.Tornato in Rome in 1956, participates, together with Xavier Tutino, Carlo Ripa di Meana, Vicar Guido, Luciana Castellina and others, the founding of the weekly New Generation, where he became director in 1957.
In 1959 changes to the unit, organ of the Communist Party, as chief reporter at Roma.Dal 1967 to 1975 was deputy director of Paese Sera newspaper in the evening of significant importance in the latter part of last century, with a big role in the representation of the youth revolt of 1968 and the 1969 rescue workers.

In 1975, a competition organized by RAI for the recruitment of journalists of "eminent" willing to work as ordinary editors, joined the editorial staff of Gr1 directed by Sergio Zavoli. In 1976, Biagio Agnes and Alberto La Volpe, gives life to the third television network RAI. In 1978 he was co-director of TG3, directed by Agnes, and collaborated on the popular broadcast Samarkand. From 1987 to 1993 directed the TG3. In 1993, in contrast with the new Board of Directors of Rai (CEO and chairman Gianni Locatelli Claudio Dematté), has resigned. In 1994 he published "The awkward partner" (Knopf). After an experience of newspaper columnist in the "Maurizio Costanzo Show" in 1996 led the fourteen episodes of the program "Big Jobs" on Rai Uno. From 1998 to 2005 he Liberation, an organ of the Communist Refoundation Party headed by Fausto Bertinotti, elected board of directors of RAI by the parliamentary supervision, with the votes of the PRC, the Greens and the Left of the PDS, becomes president for three months Rai, acting as senior adviser, before being replaced by Claudio Petruccioli.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Motorcoss Birthday Calkes Images

Not at all scared by the neo-Nazi plot foiled a few hours dall'Election night, Barack Obama has prepared an offensive media like never before in the history of the race for the White House.
Wednesday, October 29, at eight o'clock, was aired on major American television networks CBS, NBC , MSNBC, Fox, BET, TV One and Univision, one spot-long 30 minutes , which seemed so much the speech of a unified networks newly installed President of the United States. Even the background was treated in detail by the strong staff of Obama, to resemble as closely as possible to the study of home white. Everywhere, the Stars and Stripes to the shoulders, as under obligations of the United States.

Obama then bought, the sound of a million, half an hour of space on seven national channels to transmit a superspot election to five days before the vote. The movie is the result of weeks of work by the famous director Davis Guggenheim , son of the official campaign documentarian of Robert Kennedy and author Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary on global warming.

This is a special (the Americans have dubbed "infomercial") entitled "Barack Obama: American Stories," which recounted the life of the candidate (with a lot of pictures of parents and grandparents) and explained the story of four typical American families, selected with great care, put on his knees by the crisis. The narrator of Obama are told, from the white mother who complains of the impossible costs of health care, the black senior who can not pay for medicines his wife suffering from arthritis, the Hispanic single mother has to do two jobs in order to grow his daughter, until the worker who lost his job at Ford, an icon of great American dream.

No candidate before, throughout the history of American presidential republic, had never thought to appeal to multimedia launched an offensive of this size. In the past there had been near the Texas billionaire Ross Perot - who participated in the race for the White House in '92 against Clinton and Bush father, with little success. At the time Ross Perot bought a series of maxispot but much shorter and not many TV stations simultaneously.

order to launch its offensive media, Barack Obama has spent a fortune of $ 5 million for a half-hour episodes. Of course, if you could afford it because his fund-raising has exceeded the astronomical figure of $ 600 million. It has certainly not been spared in recent days, 140.00 passing well on all the commercials that American broadcasters and watch them one after the other, it would take 53 days of uninterrupted view.

Experts image of Obama have long studied not only the speech, and all aspects of the movie, but as it was the right time to send it, for maximum emotional impact to convince the undecided, in the wake of meeting held with Bill Clinton.

But the ability to use new technologies and especially in the multimedia campaign, Barack Obama has already ample evidence during the primaries, making it sound like his former rival Hillary Clinton somewhat retro. The result was certainly positive

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What To Do If There Is Blood Vessel In Mouth

The election of Obama's first goal against Israel Balotelli

Dress Shop On Spadina

The new Queen in Rome September 26

Friday, October 17, 2008

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Choir Alitalia employees: "Better that failed in the hands of these bandits"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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FacciaLibro Won!

September 2, 2008
"Fac ebook
, founded in 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg, MySpace overtakes , founded in Berkeley in California in '98 by Tom Anderson and purchased by the publisher Rupert Murdoch in 2005, reaching the top in the ranking of social networks. "

October 16, 2008
not know how much weight I have to admit that this news is true. There are days, maybe weeks, a bunch of bastards try to convince me to subscribe to "FacciaLibro." My strength has been, until now, fierce, hard to break, stronger than that stubbornness that distinguishes me. I am a faithful user of its facilities and convinced of MySpace, in particular the good old msn, and I would not go for a traitor. ... I mean from a moral, but are certainly not a conservative and I admit the strong temptation to the new fashion of computerized idler. Plus we bring you the odds. In order: the TV who speaks to me of the party on Facebook to Rome (a hit as you say ...) and prof. Liguori decides that even assign an article to fill this ramshackle blog. Now it's just too much! At this point
is the inertia that pushes the mouse to the desired page. The practice I know all too well: a username, a password, a valid email address to confirm your subscription ... I'm writing! And now? 2000 friend requests here and there and then discussion groups to attend. On all there is one that immediately attracts my attention: "Even I messenger between Facebook and I have not concluded a shit ...". I mean, I understand how it will end ...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Eurosport Infiniti Elliptical Trainer Specs

student demonstrations roma 10/10/2008

How Much For A Jack Dempsey

First post

First post Multimedia publishing, computer room, Saturday, October 11, 9:50 ... good times ...