Thursday, May 28, 2009

Whatmovies Are In Westfeild Mall

SLEW FIVE - CUSANO FOOTBALL 9-5: report cards

Vitelli 5.5: caught in the middle not much on the networks of competitors, although sometimes a bit messed up 'on the goal line accomplice a little 'bad luck. Crocco
5: not its levels, due to infernal heat and poor physical condition. Try not to push but now it seems his day.
Civitillo 5: frastotnato irritated by the heat and the shameful attitudes of Pantano, fails to fit with the required continuity and suffers a bit 'closing. However, "intelligence bold and generous heart"!
Tammaro 5: a good start, then also because of a physical problem goes the distance. Too soft closing, stalls too far forward.
Lie 5: poor performance after the break though growing. And runs just evil and does not cover central as it should. Continue with the good set realization. Biondi
5 +: instead he does not run at all, merely some flash with the ball at his feet. He scores three goals.


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