CUSANO SOCCER - SF Pontelandolfo 8-5: report cards
Gorizia 6.5: some uncertainty in the first half, picked up by the great protagonist often with decisive action. You pick the host with the public but does not lose his concentration. Challenged.
Civitillo 6.5: back to Central and disengaged without major troubles also give some sort offensive. It's a little 'of confusion in the second half but keep the pace up well in advance. Present. Crocco
6.5: not the best but is returning to a few months ago. Limelight the action and decision is also a large network of right, but still latita at key moments of the race. Good news. 6.5
Biondi: some more 'behind the bench for (correct) choice technique. Returns from the external network by finding a fortune and in the final few passes with central foul too. Recovery.
Crete 6: a few minutes, but with so much travel and a couple of Falletti "substantial." Latecomer.
Tammaro 7.5: the roof is something of a disaster (see the fourth goal guest) but with the ball and chain is virtually unstoppable: dribbling, conclusions, restarts. A joy to behold his first goal.
Froncillo 7.5: no signs, but you feel all right! dribbling and possession of intoxicating ball with the constant feeling of being superior. Too bad for his inconsistent defense. Tightrope walker.
6.5 Lie: the first time just enough wrong with too many steps, is released after the network and makes itself felt in the midfield. Useful.
Di Muzio 7: continues to fail to score goals rather trivial and impossible positions by (today makes three). It shows very good form running on the roof. Essential. Mr. Crisci
8: guesses this time all the moves, the exclusion of Biondi and Crocco, trust in Froncillo and jackets. Interval and the expected change tactics in mid-field to produce the desired results.
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