SOCCER5 Pontelandolfo - CUSANO C5 7-2: report cards
Petrillo 6: small smudges but otherwise appear innocent on the goal. On his return will not do miracles.
Civitillo 6: still not at the top plays little compared to his usual standard. However, in the first half is not wrong even in a speech closing (ineffective forward instead), but remained involved in the ultimate disaster. Crocco
5 -: unrecognizable, got into a black day I could neither cover nor to push effectively, perhaps influenced by a non-optimal. From the best part of the Rosanero is reasonable to expect much more. Biondi
6.5: it has the "luck" to come out on 2 to 2 and therefore not to be involved in the final shipwreck. In the first phase covers a decision and set almost all of the balloons Rosanero. Suffers from the high pressing but fails to apply (unsuccessfully) with a couple of good runs. Gets angry with her in the end. Hen
5: From a technical standpoint his performance is anything but negative with a great goal and many interesting recoveries (even if has responsibility for the first two goals opponents). In terms of specification, however unjustifiable.
Di Muzio 5: that is the same as for the hen, with a few mistakes in front of goal too. Maybe a little 'down athletically. Lie
5.5: enter the worst time trying in vain to give a shock to the team. But probably you need more commitment and determination when it comes off the bench and try to win place in the team.
Froncillo 5: to return after months of "exile" plays a good first half of the race with good recoveries and insights. In the second half was an unmitigated disaster: slow, soft and irritating. Mr. Crisci
6: up to 2 of his team plays in an almost perfect, thanks to his initial choices (with low and hen Biondi under construction). But then after the "nasty business" loses control of the match, leaving out the end, the quartet had begun and largely dominated the match. Most likely will report to the team in training on Monday.
Team 4: How can I get 6 goals in 10 minutes? how to create and implement at least 15 scoring only 2? how can you quarrel with her boyfriend while opponents mark? how can we accept that the opponents scoff without reacting with grit and nastiness (sport course)? how is it that those who leave the bench is less incentive for owners (if you do not waste even enter)?
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