and its considerations are, in my opinion, very siminli to those of Zingales.
(1) I heard that Silver is recovered when the merging companies also cutlery sets and other items no longer required by the market.
Notes folklore
You should know that after several years of banking I noticed that a colleague of mine took all his savings account. Then the bound books made good, even better infant BOT, and one day I asked him why is not trying to invest to get something more. He replied that he does not interested much fruit, as have secure his money. So the banks were solidly capitalized were of marble, as someone said, looking at the locations of properties they occupied. Do not speculate now on how everything and everyone, and he therefore had good reasons. I wonder now would still be so sure of being in a barrel of iron?
Back when I was a cashier in a bank (1968), one morning I goes to the counter an old country and, excusing himself, he opens a bag and show me a bundle of money, remember the old brick color 10.00o pounds were folded like a sheet, all wrinkled and almost a mush of an intense wine-colored. He asks me if I could cambiarglile . I told him that if he had patience, maybe we could recover them, but I asked him what he had combined because you might not know that then damage the banknotes was a crime.
candid He said to me in dialect, "Al knows ragiunèr , me to ' season in the country, a poc isolè , e ai' aviva més i sold al sicur in nà damigiana. Pò quand ai' avàm sgualzi a' min soun scurdè ... "
The face he made when, after some time to wash and dry, I gave him the money you can not afford new ..... imagine
With lots of signature of the father (so useful for subsequent forgery).